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University of Buffalo School of Social Work | Let’s Dance! Using Movement, Dance, Play, and Embodied Mindfulness | (Virtual Lecture)

Let’s Dance! Using Movement, Dance, Play, and Embodied Mindfulness

Date & Time:

Thursday, August 20, 2020

9:00 AM- 12:00 PM


Virtual Lecture Available on Zoom.

Course Description

During this stressful time of COVID-19 isolation, social unrest, racial activism, justice, and equality how do we as people - both professionals and parents with young children – help children express the array of diverse feelings and questions they have but may not be able to find the words to express them? Equally challenging and vital, how do we find the time for our own personal reflection, when we have limited privacy and bandwidth while managing work and family life? And, as professionals working with “at-risk” families how do we hold a child’s attention through video conferencing – which may be our only means of connection for the foreseeable future? Though mindfulness activities are helpful, it can be very difficult to slow down, breathe and focus our own, and children’s minds when our bodies are feeling restless and agitated from confinement and inner chaos. Dr. Suzi Tortora, internationally acclaimed dance/movement therapist, teacher, author and senior dance/movement therapist at Integrative Medicine Services, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s MSK Kids, addresses these concerns introducing you to specific methods she has created to support you as a professional, parent and individual. Learn ways to listen and dialogue deeply with your own feelings, thoughts, images and sensations using her “Embodied Listening -Embodied Sensing” self-management method. From this grounded awareness, learn specific clinical tips and activities for children ages birth – seven, using movement, dance, and story to help families engage with their children, release stress, enhance self-expression and be able to implement mindful practices that support both caregivers and their children to support self-regulation and coping.  
Target Audience: social workers, mental health practitioners, creative arts therapists, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, and other interested individuals.

Completion Requirements This workshop requires individuals to participate in polls throughout the presentation. Participants must participate in at least 75% of the polls correctly to pass. 
Customer Service

We are happy to respond to any concerns or questions you may have. Please contact us at by email at or by phone at 716-829-5841.

ADA Accommodations: If you require any support for your ADA needs in the United States, please contact us by email at least 3 weeks prior to the event by email at or by phone at 716-829-5841.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe (2) specific mindful movement and dance- based activities using the “Embodied Listening -Embodied Sensing” self-management method for coping. 

  2. Describe (2) specific movement and dance- based activities to support self- expression in young children while engaging the professional and child during video conferencing sessions.

  3. Describe (2) movement and dance- based activities for parent and child to support positive engagement and co-regulation while at home.

  4. Describe (2) movement and dance- based activities to help young children focus their attention reaching a mindful state of awareness to support self -regulation and coping.

About the Instructor

Suzi Tortora, EdD, BC-DMT, CMA, LCAT, LMHC his the founder and director of Dancing Dialogue, a creative arts psychotherapy practice in Cold Spring, NY and NYC, specializing in parent- infant/child and family therapy; trauma; medical illness; and adult chronic pain. She is the International Medical Creative Arts Spokesperson for the Andréa Rizzo Foundation, having created and continuing to be the senior dance/movement therapist for pediatric patients at Integrative Medicine Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NYC, since 2003. She received the 2010 Marian Chace Distinguished Dance Therapist award from the ADTA. She teaches in Europe, South America, New Zealand, Israel and Asia; holds faculty positions in the USA, The Netherlands, Chech Republic, Argentina and China; offers the Ways of Seeing International Webinar Training Program for dance/movement therapists and allied professionals; has published numerous papers about her work; and her book, The Dancing Dialogue: Using the communicative power of movement with young children is used extensively in dance/movement therapy training programs internationally.

August 1

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | Feeling Good! Reclaiming Your Body Using Yoga and Dance | (Virtual Lecture)

September 2

Ways of Seeing International Webinar, Semester 3 (Fall 2019-Spring 2021)