Ways Of Seeing
What is the Ways of Seeing Method?
Theoretical Focus
Ways of Seeing is a creative arts therapy approach primarily based on dance/movement psychotherapy. The word Seeing in the title is used to emphasize that there are many ways to look, to assess, and to receive information about self and other. The intricate relationship between the developing brain and mind, body and emotion are emphasized in Ways of Seeing. The information is gleaned through nonverbal observation and activities that support attuned listening and interaction. Ways of Seeing highlights the essential roles of the moving body, multi-sensory embodied experience, and nonverbal communication across the lifespan. Ways of Seeing focuses on how infant and early childhood experience influences individual development throughout life. The aim of Ways of Seeing work with babies, young children and families is to understand the role of movement, multi-sensory experience, and the nonverbal exchange in the growing attachment relationship. Drawing from Dr. Tortora’s international teaching, the Ways of Seeing program provides extensive ethnic, cultural and racial diversity.
Ways of Seeing Method
Ways of Seeing’s creative arts therapy approach utilizes dance, movement, art, music, motor development, body awareness, visualization, mindfulness and relaxation activities, and play to provide assessment, intervention and educational support for children and their families. It is based on the nonverbal observational analysis principles of Laban Movement Analysis (LMA), neuroscience, infancy and early childhood developmental theory, movement and motor development, research and practice, and dance/movement therapy principles.
Ways of Seeing Practitioners
Ways of Seeing Practitioners are clinicians, artists, and educators who have completed an intensive 2-year post-graduate training program led by Dr. Suzi Tortora.
Read the book that started it all!
Tortora. S. (2011). The Dancing Dialogue: Using the Communicative Power of Movement with Young Children. Baltimore, MD; Paul H Brookes Publishing Co.