Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service Presents
Spring Continuing Education Courses in Creative Art Therapies
Creative Arts Therapy Day:
Psychodrama and Art Therapy Workshop
Sunday, June 7, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
This unique, half-day creative seminar in group therapy will introduce participants to psychodrama and art as therapeutic techniques. Participants from the first CAT workshop will deepen their skills and learn new techniques. Registration requested by May 20.
Psychodrama – Gay French-Ottaviani, LCSW, CP, is a certified psychodramatist,
group therapist and licensed clinical social worker.
Art Therapy – Ker Beckley, clinical art therapist and artist, is the
Director of Art Therapy at Four Winds Psychiatric Hospital.
Regular fee: $50; Alumni/Field Instructor fee: $45; Student fee: $40