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Rider University | Dance/Movement Therapy with Infants, Children and Families (Virtual Guest Lecture)

Dance/ Movement Therapy with Infants, Children and Families

Date and Time:

Tuesdays, March 2, 9 and 16


Conducted Virtually Online in collaboration with

Rider University

2083 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648


A three-week guest lecture series for second year Dance/Movement Therapy students at Rider University


Suzi Tortora, EdD, BC-DMT, CMA, LCAT, LMHC Dr. Tortora is a board certified dance movement therapist, Laban Nonverbal Movement Analyst, and specialist in the field of infancy mental health and development. Her expertise in early childhood development and the importance of early relationships inform her psychotherapeutic work across the life span. Dr. Tortora has a private dance movement psychotherapy practice, in New York City and Cold Spring-on-the-Hudson, New York. Dr. Tortora offers training programs and lectures about her dance therapy and nonverbal video analysis work with infants, children and families, at national and international professional meetings and universities.

She is on the board of the New York Zero-to-Three Network.

Dr Tortora has been featured on “Good Morning America” and Eyewitness Five-O’Clock News, WABC –TV; Women’s Day magazine; highlighted in Malcolm Gladwell's New Yorker article and book titled What the Dog Saw and other adventures; has published numerous papers about her therapeutic and nonverbal communication analysis work with children, parent-infant dyads, and Autism Spectrum Disorders; has twice been guest editor of the Zero to Three Journal; and has a book with Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company titled The Dancing Dialogue: Using the Communicative Power of Movement with Young Children.

Dr. Tortora graduated with honors from the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development Tufts University specializing in child development, education and psychology; received her dance movement therapy masters degree at New York University; and her doctorate with a specialization in infancy/early childhood development, psychology and education from Teachers College, Columbia University. 

She has done extensive study and training in the field of infancy and early childhood research, development, education, communication and intervention through the Zero to Three Institute and Dr. Stanley Greenspan. She has studied Authentic Movement with Janet Adler & Body-Mind Centering with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. Dr Tortora is also a certified Laban Movement Analyst, and Kestenberg Movement Profiler.




February 20

Codart University for the Arts | Families in Motion: The Dancing Dialogue (Virtual Lecture)

March 7

ISMETA Engaging Embodiment Conference | Focusing on the Dance in Dance/Movement Psychotherapy: The Role of the Dancing Body in Embodied Healing | (Virtual Lecture)