Art Wellness Classes

Art is therapy.  Its healing and transformative properties have been used since the dawn of time to memorialize, transform and understand human experiences.  Art wellness groups at Dancing Dialogue use these properties to create individual meaning that can be shared, enjoyed and understood collectively by all participants.  These groups are silly, energizing, sometimes messy and always playful but are also deep, meaningful and reflective.  In art wellness, art work is made, shared, accepted and learned from.  Perceived artistic "ability" is not important in art wellness; creativity, curiosity and trust in the process are what guarantee success.  Come create with us!

Available Art Wellness Classes

  • During our Family Art Days, we invite families into our office to create family keepsakes. Make family memories. These three-part art workshop series for parents and children to create art together.

    Family Art Days are a super fun and creative opportunity to create fun family memories the present and then leave with a keepsake that will last will into the future. Over three sessions you and your family will have the opportunity to take part in family art projects, appropriate for family members of all ages and skill levels, that represent the unique bonds and talents that make your family special alongside other families going through the same process. All projects are designed by an art therapist to be not only fun, but meaningful.

Upcoming Art Wellness Classes

Stay Tuned!


Embodied Parenting for Caregiver & Baby


Perinatal Mental Health Care