Expressions of a Dying Traceform: A Dance/ Movement Therapy Approach to End of Life Support for Children

Earn 2 New York State LCAT, LCSW, LMHC or LMSW Continuing Education CreditS

From the Comfort of Your Own Home on Your Own Schedule!

Course Description:

Within the context of themes related to end-of-life, movement analysis from David Bowie’s music video, Blackstar (2015), is used to provide knowledge and understanding for a dance/movement therapist that works with patients who are terminal.  Utilizing this analysis and applying Rudolf Laban’s theory about trace-forms, movement stages are considered during one’s final dying trace-form while on the journey of transcending into the unknown.  This will be discussed from the perspective of dance/movement therapy practice, the therapeutic relationship, use of creative arts in supporting this process, and how these approaches assist patients moving from living trace-forms to a dying trace-form.

Course Objectives

  1. Examine relevant topics related to “successful dying” and how this concept has evolved historically from hospice care to death with dignity.

    2.   Define concepts of presenter’s understanding and development of terms “living trace-form” and “dying trace-form” and its use in creating a holding space for the therapeutic relationship while working with those who are at end-of-life.  

    3.   Explore key components to the presenter’s questions: “What are people going through as they begin to embark upon the unknown”; “How can the dance/movement therapy process and therapeutic relationship support those going through this transition, including therapist’s process during and after death”.

    4. Discuss the importance of the creative process in working with those who are terminally ill and processing concepts of death, particularly with children

Course Curriculum

  1. Welcome to Dancing Dialogue LCAT LMHC PLLC's Continuing Education Program

    Welcome to the Dancing Dialogue Continuing Education Program

  2. Dance/ Movement Therapy and End-of-Life Care:

    Introduction to Dance/ Movement Therapy in End of Life Care

  3. Trace-Forms as a Treatment Focus

    Trace-Forms in Laban Movement Analysis

    Case Study using David Bowie’s Blackstar Music Video

  4. Review and Conclusion

    Review and Conclusion

    Course Examination

    Course Evaluation


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