The essential role of the body in the parent-infant relationship: Nonverbal analysis of attachment
Mothers, Infants and Young Children of September 11, 2001: A Primary Prevention Project
Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D., Phyllis Cohen, Ph.D., Mark Sossin, Ph.D., and Sara Markese, Ph.D.
Contributors to the book: Anni Bergman, Ph.D., Sally Moskowitz, Ph.D., Rita Reiswig, MSW, Suzi Tortora, Ed.D., Donna Demetri Friedman, Ph.D., Joseph Jaffe, M.D., Andrea Remez, Ph.D., Adrianne Lange, M.A., and Marsha Kaitz, Ph.D.
Movement Analysis of Interaction (August 2010)
by Susanne Bender, Editor
When humans communicate with one another they send on a nonverbal, physical level many multifaceted pieces of information, which are critical to the success or failure of each contact. We gather our first relationship experiences on a nonverbal level and a mother's ability to attune to her child determines his/her "being-in-the-world".
Life is Dance: The Art and Science of Dance, Therapy Movement
By Hilda Wengrower and Sharon Chaiklin
Chapter written by Suzi Tortora.
The Ways of Seeing program – Dance movement psychotherapy in early childhood treatment.